Saturday, March 14, 2009

Holy ****!

Yes! holy #%#$% i have nothing to say, today was a pretty fucked up day i would certainly screwed me up inside out... Oh well, lets not talk bout shit that hapns in our daily life...

moving on, damn its been a long time since i updated this poor old blog... I just cant think of anything to blog about =.= i do d same damned thing everyday, go to sch, pretend to listen to d teachers teaching, lepak, go home, den d next day everything restarts all over again. Thank god its holidays for 1 whole fkin week =D now i dun hav to live dat boring shit over n over again for 1 week. Anyways, holy shit im goin to genting tmr, AGAIN =.= i duno wtf is wrong, but my parents suddenly seem to like goin up mountains...ALOT, dun feel like goin, wonder if i can stay home xD

What can i say, shit hapns n we just have to life thru it, dats bout it for dis post, im stuck...once again lol...

Holy ****!

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